Monday, November 9, 2009

"Socialism" Defined

So far, President Obama has done nothing to improve our economy. He’s actually accomplished nothing at all in his first year as our President. When he wasn’t out with Oprah trying to get the Olympics brought to his city of Chicago or holding “beer summits” at the White House, here are the three things he’s done since being elected: 1.) He’s reneged on his promise to “end the war,” and instead is conflicting with U.S. commanders on strategies and is making things even worse in the middle east. 2.) He’s pushing for a Cap and Trade program, which forces all American industries to regulate their carbon emissions to a government-determined “safe level,” or face huge financial fines. In essence, this is another way for government to interfere with private businesses in this country. 3.) He’s trying to create a blanket government-run healthcare program in America to assist those who cannot afford it themselves (which affirms my own theory of our first Black President catering to a certain demographic in this country, as opposed to the vast majority.) To me, that all constitutes a very problematic first year in office. I hope and pray each day that the conservatives in this country begin to win back the senate. It started with my home state of New Jersey. Now allow me to further detail the “Obama Care” plan that must be stopped. Chris Christie is now the elected governor of New Jersey. That’s great news. But just a few days later, the house vote passed on the President’s healthcare reform bill. Now it’s in the hands of the Senate to approve it. What is this plan all about? You think you may have some idea and think it’s this simple “free healthcare for all” plan that nobody should consider putting down. But you probably don’t know the horrific details of how terribly this would affect our country…

Like most radically liberal progressive shifts in our society, President Obama’s healthcare “solution” just seems to be talking us down the slippery slope of a socialist country. A complete government takeover of our health care system is just not the American way. With Obama Care, people would now have to shop for their medical coverage through a federally regulated marketplace, meaning there would no longer be the abundance of private healthcare companies to choose from. Eventually these private insurers will all be driven out of business, leaving only the government plan as our option. This will dictate various aspects of our medical care—ranging from which procedures are deemed as worthy, which patients are most in need of such procedures, as well as where and by whom such procedures are performed. Maybe if you have no coverage and have no other choice, you will take this. But to the average folks, why would you want to let anyone other than YOURSELF dictate how you treat your own illnesses? Instead of an individual having an opportunity to allocate their own income and insurance resources to seek a second opinion or other options in a time of a medical emergency, all such decisions will already be pre-determined. Don’t think this is some free lunch either, because someone has to pay for all this. And that’s you and me—as we will be subjected to a huge tax increase. This will also completely gut Medicare, seriously changing and disrupting senior citizen healthcare coverage. Furthermore, in an economy that’s already struggling, businesses will now be forced to provide coverage to their employees with a government selected provider—or get slapped with thousands of dollars in penalties if such mandates are defied. Entrepreneurship and free enterprise—the backbone of economic growth—would be highly compromised with such regulations. In a nutshell, this socialized medicine means that basically everyone will get the same low-quality healthcare. Hardly sounds like a solution to me...The poor will benefit obviously, going from no healthcare to this. But hard-working middle class Americans will no longer be able to have a say in their own medical care. Those who favor this are the same types of people who rely on welfare and food stamps, and bleed the system dry on our tax dollars. These types of things should be last resorts (and temporary resorts) to those who truly need it—yet once one is enabled with such—they no longer have any motivation or desire to become self-reliant. This really doesn’t impact successful independent Americans, because they still will be able to pay out of pocket and get the best medical care that they choose. But, moderate democrats support this plan because even though they may strive to be independently successful themselves, they have become disenchanted with their own set-backs in doing so—and instead of continuing to move forward to achieve their goals they side with those who support this plan. Why? Because it’s sadly presented as some kind of assistance for the middle class, when in reality it’s nothing more than another form of dictatorship and welfare for those individuals that are unfazed by their lack of contributions to society and blame everyone else for their predicaments. This will greatly hinder the very goal of independent success and prosperity—which is a core value of a conservative-thinking citizen who believes in The American Dream like I do. I strive to be self-reliant, in a position of wealth, and in a position to be able to pay for the best medical care I can afford. Yet in the meantime, with Obama Care, I may not even be able to have the opportunity to choose my own personal healthcare coverage, based on my own research and selection of the physician I feel best fits mine and my family’s needs. So I have to possibly sacrifice my own family’s healthcare options to look out for inner-city urban minorities? My father, who runs his own business has to be forced into making his employees sign up with a government-run health plan or risk going bankrupt by having to pay thousands in fines? My grandmother on Medicare will have to now possibly change her entire lifestyle? Republicans oppose Obama Care because they are looking out for my family, unlike this administration.

PS- As if too many abortions weren’t done haphazardly enough, the liberal extremists who are hoping that this bill goes all the way through are pushing for abortion to be covered by this plan. At least President Obama had the sense to regulate that in instances of incest, rape, or in cases that the mother’s life is in danger. However, his voice may not be enough to stop all abortions from being covered by insurance if such a bill becomes reality. Also, all vaccinations will become mandatory—religious, philosophical, medical reasons will be thrown out.


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